Vision Statement
The Arouca Revival Tabernacle PAWI will become a vibrant and cohesive community of empowered believers, educating our membership, engaging our communities and expanding the kingdom with a spirit of excellence
Mission Statement
The Arouca Revival Tabernacle, a compassionate connecting community, based on sound biblical principles, seeks to enhance the lives of all people, through programs designed to equip lives for faithfull service with a spirit of excellence.
God Centered
What we do is intended for the glory of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Decisions we make are prayerfully considered for the good of Christ and His Kingdom. Our resources are used to support His work (Matthew 6: 33).
Because every disciple of Christ is spiritually gifted and called to serve, we are dedicated to teaching, equipping, mentoring and providing opportunities for each person to be involved in ministry. We are committed to developing and maintaining ministries that are Spirit-inspired, purpose-driven, divinely-empowered, and flexible for maximum Kingdom effectiveness. (Ephesians 4: 11-17)
In response to who God is, and what He has done for us, we joyfully worship and readily express our love and gratitude to Him. Our desire in corporate worship is to proclaim God’s greatness and encounter Him in a way that supernaturally transforms our lives. (Philippians 4:4)
In our desire and dedication to know and apply God’s Word to our lives, Biblical principles permeates ART ministries. (2 Timothy 3: 16,17)
ART will continue to evaluate and develop culturally-relevant methods of communicating and clarifying Biblical truth. Without compromising the message, we seek to creatively and effectively share this message with our changing world. (1 Chronicles 12: 32)
Prevailling Prayer/Intercession
In this attitude of prevailing prayer, our minds will be taken off overwhelming situation (s) and placed on Him. The outcome will be minds kept in perfect peace and a faith that gains the victory over the world, the flesh and the devil (Ephesians 6: 18-20).
All people matter to God and therefore also matter to us. Mindful that God moves beyond the parameters of our localized ministry, we are committed to recognizing, affirming and supporting His work here and in other parts of the world. (Acts 1: 8)
In a society of progressively isolated individuals, authentic Biblical community is a physical, emotional and spiritual necessity. It is the context in which God’s plan for His people is realized through loving, caring, accepting, encouraging, diverse and accountable relationships. We strive to encourage and equip our people to pursue intimacy with God, authentic community with others inside the church, and within their families. ( Matthew 22: 37-40)