The Early Beginning

The Arouca Revival Tabernacle (ART) was birthed in 1992 but its worthwhile to get an appreciation of the work of the Pentecostal Assembly of the West Indies in the village of Arouca. It all started early at the turn of the twentieth century (1916-1920) when Bro. Jameson, a Canadian Missionary, took some members from the Woodbrook Prentecostal Chapel to Arouca and started the work at Olive Society Hall in Arouca. They eventually decided to get their own building and moved to Francis Street, Arouca and the Arouca Pentecostal Church (APC) found their home.
In 1990 Rev. Boca was installed as the twelveth Pastor for the Arouca Pentecostal Church (APC). Early in his ministy (1990-1991) the church experienced a steady influx of souls which created a need for more suitable accomodation. A neighbouring home owned by the Garib family was placed on the open market. The church quickly raised the downpayment, purchased the property and plans to build a new structure was set in motion.
However simultaneously another door was opened when a business man was selling his building situated on 2 acres of, what is now considered prime, property. The church made a bid with resultant success, they raised the downpayment and thanks to prayer, the sacrifice of faithful Aroucans, a loan from the bank and other fellow churches the property was purchased and the Arouca Revival Tabernacle was birthed.
Many may have judged this as ‘madness’ but it was gladness.

Our Story
A New Beginning

After four years of construction (laying the foundation in July 2006; fabrication in June 2008; construction and completion in 2007-2010), Arouca Revival Tabernacle, dedicated its new facilities on May 17th, 2010. We are eternally grateful to Almighty God and the kind assistance of Rev. Phillip Gentle during the process. High commendation to the ART family for the sacrificial labour of love and resources. Words that motivated the project: “Faith Raising not Fund Raising”. Cautious words at the completion of the project: “We worship here but we do not worship here”.
There is nothing wrong with great buildings that are built for the right reasons. Solomon built with the purpose of showcasing God. The reality is, however, that even the grandest of all buildings is insufficient to truly showcase God. Solomon acknowledged that the temple could not contain God. He is far greater than anything we could ever build. The building is merely a tool. Solomon had to admit that this grand temple was only a place to burn sacrifices before God. Since God cannot be contained in a building, ministry can take place both within the church building and outside of it as we draw on His power. We rely more on “Who” we have to attract people than “What” we have.
Subsequently, this event has triggered a new beginning in the history of the church. In the month of May 2018, we celebrated our 8th Anniversary and Thanksgiving Service. Over the past eight years we have developed a strong discipleship ministry. All our ministries strive to be relevant to current issues and answer the culture where it is attacking the faith. As a compassionate, connecting community, we continue to manifest the love of God to broken people living in a broken world. Our message or content has not change: “Christ In us is The Hope of Glory”.